Menu Juara: Soto Tangkar Betawi

Also known as Indonesian Beef Ribs Soup. A specialty from Jakarta, the city where I was born and grew up in.  But what does “soto” means?  Have a look ~ here ~ from my previous posting.  Soto Betawi has become a regular menu that keeps popping up every two weeks or so.  The reason is because I like it better than the chicken version and Michael would never say no this this.

I ran out of some ingredients & spices a few weeks ago. Little things like lemon grass, fresh galangal and frozen kaffir lime leaves. Of course you can substitute them with powdered ones if that’s the only option, but you know already, nothing beats the real thing. Even from the moment I started mixing the ingredients, I can tell whether the soto is going to have the correct taste or not from the scent of the cooked ingredients.  Powdered or packaged ingredients usually have a slightly “off’ chemically taste to it – well, only a few very good brands like Munik, tastes almost like the real thing.

This weekend, a friend brought me a new supply of these ingredients from Shanghai. Whoa my gosh! That gift equals with a pouch of gold nuggets to me. No kidding, where can you get these stuff in the middle of a grassland? So here I am, cooking away my favorite recipes once again….

Recipe for Soto Tangkar Betawi
(or Batavian Beef Ribs Soup)  you can have a look  HERE


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  Sefa wrote @

tidaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkk… siang-siang minus 5, kelaperan, liat soto tangkar… tambah laper :))
sumpah deh Dhi, elo bikin peer gue tambah banyak 😀
itu soto betawi sama serundengnya jadi fav suami gue, trus malam minggu gue bikin lagi utk temen-temen, mereka juga nge-fans

btw, elo asli dari Betawi kah?

  marlin wrote @

benar kata Sefa, lihat photonya saja sudah bikin lapaaar.

  barefootster wrote @

Aaaahhh kasiaaaaannnnn…… belum mulai masak ya Fa, masih kuliah? Skarang tiap kali bikin soto betawi aku selalu teringat pada dirimu loh…….

Wes, Marlin mampir jugaaaaaa

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