Crumbly Chicken Pie

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I wonder how difficult it is to do a home-made puff pastry. Almost can’t remember the last time I had those pastry with nice crunchy layers of flakes and the filling that stays moist and juicy. Hmmm, I think it was in New Zealand a couple of months ago. In a deli by the beach somewhere in Auckland. The beach was not so exciting, but the pastry and coffee….  whoa my God! Unbelievably good!

Good pastry is such a rare thing in China, especially in secondary cities where most households hardly knew about baking, mixer is a rare thing to find here. I’ve been looking for one for quite some time. Unless it’s a medium-scale bakery business, local people don’t bake at home. Not as a hobby, not as a weekend ritual or daily routine.

Back to the puff pastry, don’t think I can find a ready-made in the cold section in supermarket. Need to ask David to help me with this someday when he’s not too busy. Chicken Puff will have to wait….  but I still can make Chicken Pie  😀


Chicken Pie Recipe

Ingredients for Pie Crust:
* 200 gr butter
* 300 gram all purpose flour
* 80 gr plain yoghurt
* 1 egg yolk
* pinch of salt
* bit of grated cheese

Mix all the pie crust ingredients, check if it’s moist enough.
Mix in yoghurt bit by bit. Set aside in a fridge for 45 mnts or until hard enough to mold

Ingredients for Filling:
* 1 pc large onion – sliced
* 3 pcs garlic – minced
* 2 pcs carrots – cubed
* 2 chicken breast fillet – cubed
* button mushrooms – sliced
* a little bit of parsley/spring onions – chopped
* 2 tbs corn starch
* salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg powder to taste

1.) Cook onion + garlic until fragrant. Add chicken cubes, carrots.
Cook until almost tender
2.) Stir in salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg, spring onions/parsley, mushroom.
3.) When chicken & carrots are tender, mix in the cornstarch and let it thickens.
4.) Set aside, ready for filling into the pie.
5.) Shape the dough, as it will be quite moist, at the base of the pan.
6.) Put the filling in the middle. Top with a layer of dough, soften the surface to cover the edges.
7.) Coat the top with egg yolk. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180C for half hour
or until it turns bright yellow

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  dita wrote @

crustnya kayaknya gurih ya, Dhi? pake keju.

  fitri wrote @

huhuhuh…poto beneran keren.. minimalis.. gue contek mak..

  barefootster wrote @

iya, pake keju dikit….

  Fearless Kitchen wrote @

Najmieh Batmanglij has a very quick and easy homemade “puff pastry” recipe in her book Silk Road Cooking. Jacques Torres also has a puff pastry recipe in his book Dessert Circus but it is the more traditional, complex way of making it.

  barefootster wrote @

Thanks FK, will look into that. Books I can get easy, but kitchen appliances is a different story.

  Sefa wrote @

fotonya manteppppp..
Dhi, aku link ya 😉

  barefootster wrote @

Thanks, Sef! Sering juga sih mampir tempatmu liat resep2 keren disitu….

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